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v.1, 探索死亡/Exploring Death-- v.2,結束生命的決定/End of life decision




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Alzheimer's, The 36 Hour Day: The Complete Journey

Four years in the making, this program presents a guide to understanding and caring for patients with Alzheimer's disease by nationally acclaimed Alzheimer's expert and best-selling author of "The 36-Hour Day" Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH.

Using family's experience with Alzheimer's disease, Dr. Rabins provides a universal framework starting with diagnosis and continuing through assisted living/long-term care and finally hospice.

The challenges and care tips presented are of great value to both family and professional caregivers.

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The Rabins Response to the Challenging Behaviors of Alzheimer's Disease

This DVD presents an interactive workshop with long-term care staff conducted by Dr. Peter V. Rabins addressing the care of Alzheimer's patients presenting challenging behaviors. 

Content includes discussion with nursing staff, staff interviews and actual patient-staff vignettes with Dr. Rabins. In discussing patient cases, Rabins asks nursing staff to consider the following questions:

What is the problem behavior?
Why is it a problem? Is it really a problem?
When does the behavior happen?
Where does the behavior happen? 
Who is around when it happens?
With information provided by the answers to these questions, Rabins helps care providers identify the triggers which have precipitated the behaviors. Once the triggers have been identified, together they develop strategies to both prevent these behaviors and minimize them if they should occur. Implementing this technique can transform seemingly difficult patients, minimizing upsetting situations for both the patient and staff.

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Nurturing the Emotional Well-Being of the Alzheimer's Patient

In this DVD filmed on-location in a long-term care facility, Dr. Rabins and nursing assistants identify strategies to incorporate emotional well-being into care for patients with Alzheimer's disease. These include: connecting person to person; entering into the world of the person with Alzheimer's disease; accepting the reality of the person with Alzheimer's disease; knowing what treats and activities are enjoyed; using physical touch to comfort and reassure; and eliminating experiences which may be stressful.  
With the tools provided in this DVD, staff in long-term care and assisted living, as well as family members, can improve the emotional well-being of the person with Alzheimer's disease -- providing moments and days of happiness.

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Recognizing the Emotional Needs of the Person with Alzheimer's Disease

Because of difficulty with language skills, individuals with Alzheimer's disease are often unable to express their emotions. This video will help viewers discover why it is important to encourage emotional well-being and to assess the emotions of patients, especially those who have difficulty communicating. In a discussion with nursing assistants, Dr. Rabins explores the long ignored reality of the importance of the emotional well-being of the Alzheimer's patients. Nursing assistants explain why a patient's emotions are key to quality care. "If you understand their emotional needs, the rest of their care just falls into place."


Nursing assistants in this DVD explain that by knowing their residents they can easily tell if a person is more confused than usual, sad, frightened, or happy. They explain the importance of observing the resident's body language, facial expressions, and willingness to engage. For Alzheimer's patients, calling out, wandering, refusing to eat, and changes in sleep patterns may all be signals of emotional need. This program includes patient footage, and interactive staff discussions.

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The guide for providing quality of life for the Alzheimer patient : maintaining independence and involving the Alzheimer patient.

This DVD filmed on-location in a nursing home, includes a discussion with nursing assistants lead by Dr. Peter V. Rabins as well as resident vignettes showing how staff encourage independence. Content includes: the importance of finding out how much a resident can do for themselves; maximizing the independence of a person with Alzheimer's disease by guiding and cueing; and using positive reinforcement to encourage residents to do as much as possible for themselves. 

Dr. Rabins meets with several residents and the nursing assistants caring for them. In discussions with the staff member, he reviews the resident's functional capability and ways to promote function. Content includes: encouraging independence; developing individualized plans responsive both to the stage of the disease and the previous interests of the individual; using cueing and demonstration to guide the resident; avoiding activities that will be frustrating or potentially cause catastrophic reactions; and knowing when to revise plans to meet changing needs of the patient. For residents, the opportunity to maintain as much independence for as long as possible is the key to their well-being. One caregiver notes, "Once you find the door, you'll be amazed at what residents can do and what a difference it makes in their life."

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The Importance of Faith and Religion: The Resident's Perspective


For many older individuals approaching the end of life, faith and religion become more important, providing them with strength and purpose. In a series of interviews with residents living in long-term care, the vital role of belief becomes apparent as these elderly deal with the loss of their physical strength and functional capabilities as well as the loss of friends and relations who are no longer alive. 

For them, the world has changed often leaving them only the support of religion. They look forward to coming together at services, singing songs they have always known, and being comforted by familiar passages in the bible. While not all residents wish to participate in religious activities, nursing staff who see this DVD will realize the importance of making sure that those who receive comfort from their faith and religion are given every opportunity to participate in weekly services, holidays and conversations with their faith leaders.

This DVD is appropriate for all staff working in long term care, assisted living and for students training to work with the elderly.

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Preventing and Reducing Negative and Abusive Responses

Everyone who works in long term care or assisted living comes in contact with resident behaviors that could potentially precipitate negative or abusive caregiver responses. These behaviors are generally related to a medical condition and can include such things as calling out, swearing, racial slurs, striking out, grabbing or refusing necessary care. Nursing staff in this program relate their personal experiences with residents having these behaviors. They make a number of valuable suggestions to prevent and reduce negative responses.

All agree, rule number one is always remaining calm. They explain that knowing your resident will help you decide the most appropriate way to handle a verbal or physical outburst. For some residents distraction or re-direction works, for others, simply walking away and coming back several minutes later is the solution. They also discuss many other strategies including: the importance of knowing when to get help; safety issues; and the emotional cost of dealing with these behaviors. 
This DVD provides both ways to prevent the escalation of destructive behaviors as well as guidelines for caregivers on how to reduce negative and abusive responses should these behaviors be encountered.

This program is presented by Georgia Stevens, PhD, APRN, BC.

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Resident's Rights: Why Residents Refuse Necessary Care

When residents refuse care or make poor health choices, nursing assistants find themselves in a difficult position. At some point, all nursing assistants will be confronted with residents who refuse to be bathed, change soiled clothes, take medications, or refuse other necessary care. The challenge for the nursing assistant is to respect the resident's right to make these choices, however still make sure necessary care is provided.

In this DVD, filmed on location at a nursing home, staff identify some frequent reasons  for refusing care including:  a resident not wanting to do something at particular time of day;  resident wanting the same person to always  care for them; resident being fearful when approached by strangers; resident needing gentle coaching and reassurance; and resident having privacy issues. 

Only by understanding the reasons why care is being refused, can solutions be found. Nursing staff and the social worker offer the following positive suggestions. Always remember the resident has a right to refuse care. Never use physical force to overcome resistance to care, and never address the resident with an angry voice or punitive manner. Encourage resident with positive reinforcement and use distraction, talking about their areas of interest. If care is refused, always document the specific care refused and communicate with the team. Identify who has had success with the resident and what they are doing that makes a difference. Working as a team, it is generally possible to find ways to deliver necessary care.

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Resident's Rights: Strategies to Overcome Resistance to Care

Staff in long term care and assisted living are often faced with the dilemma of a resident refusing necessary care. Staff know residents have the right to refuse care but they also fully appreciate the importance of supporting positive health outcomes and quality of life.
Find out how nursing staff prevent confrontations, respect residents' rights and still deliver the necessary care. Their recommendations start with recognizing the importance of building a relationship with a resident and taking the time to find out who the resident is.  Finding out about their family and their past interests lets residents know you care about them as a person. This relationship is very likely to ensure you'll be able to provide  necessary care.  
If a resident refuses care, staff suggest the following: try coming back a short time later, using a soft voice and a reassuring manner explain why the care is necessary.  Some nursing assistants use humor, or  offer  some type of "bribe/reward," while others use personal conversation as a distraction. If you're not successful, ask someone who knows the resident better to help out. When a resident continues to refuse care, prioritize the importance of the care and decide if it can be provided at a later time. Always document and report specifically what care has been refused. Filmed in a long-term care facility with commentary from a nurse practitioner, LPNs, nursing assistants, and a social worker.

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The guide for providing quality of life for the Alzheimer patient : recognizing pain.





Nationally recognized leader in Alzheimer's care, Dr. Peter Rabins, leads an interactive discussion with nursing staff at a long-term care facility to identify the importance and impact of providing patient-centered care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease. Filmed on-location in a nursing home, the commentary made by staff relates to patients who are also introduced in the video. Guidelines to providing patient-centered care include: the importance of recognizing an individual's past life and discovering their life-long interests; finding out and respecting individual preferences in food, routine, clothing and activities; relating to each person as an individual with unique physical and emotional needs; and, understanding what is appropriate today, may not be tomorrow. Patient-centered care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease is particularly important and requires special skills for staff. In order to find out how to develop a person-centered approach for each patient, staff needs to team with other staff as well as families to get essential background information. As individuals with Alzheimer's disease have diminished communication capabilities, when working with these patients, choices should be presented throughout the day in such a way to gather information through one word responses. In this way, patients will be able to successfully guide the caregiver with their preferences despite limited language. Staff will find that not only does individualized care minimize catastrophic reactions, fearful behaviors and aggressive responses, it gives patients the best possible quality of life and the opportunity to be more fully involved in life for as long as possible.

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片名: 重回青春逆轉勝

此部影片根據紐約時報及亞馬遜暢銷書You Staying Young 一書拍攝而成,以輕鬆易懂的方式解釋複雜的老化過程及老化形成的原因。人們已經花了數千年來探究青春的奧秘,著名的心臟醫生和專家相信我們的身體掌握了某種秘密,能夠減緩或逆轉老化的過程。人體為什麼老化,你必須掌握自己的基因,壞習慣,環境污染和壓力,同時點燃身體的能力,保持健康。


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片名: 基因科學的轉捩點(二):全球首例複製羊 Dolly:The First Cloned Sheep

全球首例複製羊 Dolly:The First Cloned Sheep
第一隻複製哺乳類動物-母羊 桃莉,誕生於蘇格蘭愛丁堡的羅斯林研究所。這段影片介紹,世界上最有名的羊所產生的驚奇故事。


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片名: 基因科學的轉捩點(一):全球首例試管嬰兒 Louise Brown:First Test Tube Baby






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片名: 人體解密(四):神奇的腦力 BRAINPOWER



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片名: 人體解密(三):感覺系統 SENSATION

人們常將身體視之為理所當然,但當身處壓力之下,身體將告訴我們令人意想不到的事實,這個複雜的機器經過數百萬年的演化,如此的錯綜複雜,讓人們仍然對許多發生在體內的事感到迷惑, 那是一個隱密的世界。如今將可透過3D技術來探索感覺系統,有危險時,感覺可讓我們提高警覺,受到攻擊時,它們是防禦的第一道防線,當我們被逼到極限,感覺系統甚至可以救命。


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片名: 人體解密(二):身體的力量 STRENGTH



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片名: 人體解密(一):視覺系統 SIGHT



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